“Jocelyn is a powerhouse of fierce love for the 21st century and working with her has changed my world. With Jocelyn’s support, I have created my own unique coaching practice and launched it into the world. Whereas before I had very little experience as a businesswoman, I now have clients, a mailing list, a thriving online course and vibrant energy to keep on building. Sessions with Jocelyn have seen me step into a space where everything is possible; a space where grounded, practical entrepreneurial tactics meet the unseen realms, and I hear my soul’s whispers with clarity."

~ Ellie, UK (www.elliepaskell.com)

“Jocelyn, I probably have said this a million times but YOU are the mentor and path-paver my heart has always yearned for. You are kind, generous, wise. Everything I aspire to be. I'm so grateful to Goddess for bringing us together. My life has changed and transformed in miraculous ways because of my intensive work with you, and for this, my heart is forever changed. I believe in the magic of life because I see so clearly now that it’s real. And fear!? Ha! You have taught me how to look fear in the face—with knees knocking—and say, 'let’s do this!!'”

~ Kate B., New York (www.kateballo.com)

“Jocelyn, you are truly a gift: to me, to us, to the world. You have guided me into places I once thought were impossible to get to. You have changed my life in radical and fulfilling ways. My life would not be what it is today - in the best ways possible - if you weren’t a part of it. I can’t wait to see what impossible places you bring me to next!! It’s so exciting. I honestly cannot thank you enough.”

~ Dottie L., Ohio (www.dottielamoureux.com)

“Working with Jocelyn transformed both my business as well as my life. With her guidance, which consisted of both deeply caring for my results as well as challenging me to attain them, I fully stepped into a new phase of being that had called to me for many years. I now have a powerful structure for my business as well as firsthand experience regarding what it means to coach someone with extraordinary integrity. I faced nearly insurmountable personal challenges while creating my first summit, but Jocelyn remained committed to my results and assisted me in holding the vision of the creation that wanted to come through me. I remain grateful on a daily basis that I heeded the “full-body YES” when it came to creating a virtual conference using Jocelyn’s framework.”

~ Helena G., New York (hgrantstyle.com)

"I have discovered in Jocelyn a true spiritual guide for the modern world, or more... for the world we want to create for the generations to come. Her teachings, coaching, summit have been a fantastic inspiration boost for my own personal and business development. For me, she represents the sacred marriage between the yin and the yang, by being both structured and mastering the technologies, while showing more feminine aspects such as being supportive, kind, inspiring, a perfect listener, creating beauty in her work. A foot in both worlds, which is what I believe is required from us today. I can only recommend Jocelyn to anyone who is on their path of wanting to discover their true nature and how to make a living out of it. Thank You, Jocelyn, for being here."

~ Baccarha B., Switzerland

"Jocelyn Mercado is an incredible coach and mentor. She is totally committed to improving your professional life and personal life. Jocelyn has helped me keep focused and accountable, yet providing an unbiased point of view. She has provided me a clear vision of where I am going, defining what I want and where I want to be. She is devoted to taking the time to understand my goals, dreams and aspirations, dedicated to my success and finding news ways to support.

Jocelyn is intelligent, intuitive, compassionate, and speaks from her heart. She has a unique insight and tremendous ability to connect with people where they are at, inspiring and nurturing them to move in a positive direction.

I am grateful to have Jocelyn as my coach. She is extremely passionate about her mission, purpose and is a true gift in this world. Thank you, Jocelyn!"

~ Rebecca S., Georgia (United States)

"Week after week, thanks to Jocelyn's clear and well documented teachings, my life started shifting... and at the end of the course, I am at point where I can connect with Mother Earth more intimately than I had ever imagined… but I have been gifted with so much more! My heart has opened to an extent that I did not think possible. The way I see and understand Life has totally changed. Thanks to this course, I have found answers to my most existential question: why am I here? I found my biggest dream and could recognize it as such and confidently make the first steps towards its realization. Jocelyn has offered us a remarkable amount of scientifically proven facts and simple but powerful tools to continue our exploration and our path towards our biggest dream. She showed me in many ways that life asks us to stop playing small and how to contribute to a better world."

~ Vanessa F., France

"Jocelyn has a unique gift to hone in on the emerging common dream and help others tap into it to see their place in its creation and express it. Excellent. Spot on. Everything she shares in the course resonates with my experience and knowledge, and I have been at this for over three decades. Jocelyn's course reminds and inspires us to expect miracles. She has done her homework and is generous with her gifts. She poised to generate prolific impact and support others to do the same."

~ Catherine B., Hawaii

"Jocelyn, When I started this course I was in a very chaotic and scattered state. I had a lot to do, but felt quite ineffectual. Once I began to feel held in this 'container', the act of listening to the material, doing the exercises, and reflecting on myself and my patterns enabled me to slow down and sink deeper into myself. With this increased awareness of nature and my surroundings, came an increased awareness of myself in my environment. I started to see the patterns of busyness and resulting overwhelm, as ways that I 'avoided' my true calling, and kept me stuck. It was great to take the opportunity to stop, and connect with what is it that I really want/need to do, what is my calling, and to identify my deepest fears around fulfilling my purpose. I feel inspired now to move forward in my projects, and feel like the energy is freer and flowing now. Something deep has shifted. Thank you for sharing your insights and holding this special space."

~  Anna P., New Zealand

"Jocelyn with her beautiful personality, knowledge, and wisdom, has the gift of teaching you to co-create with the divine and your true higher-self to achieve your life journey and goals."

~ Olympia Z., Greece

"The course was the most nourishing and soulful. Jocelyn has an amazing capacity to make a difficult, broad subject not only digestible but inspiring, too. It has motivated me to be in touch with Mother Nature's energies and it has empowered me to be part of this universe as my birthright. The course has somehow miraculously simplified my life into a more coherent energetic whole. Thanks so much, Jocelyn. Your ability to convey a message, an idea, or a feeling is amazing. Your capacity to teach and inspire is remarkable. You are salt of the earth and an inspiring role model for me to strive and continue my life's purpose and work."

~ Daniel G., United Kingdom

"Jocelyn, I want to thank you so much for the 3+ hour intensive business planning session we had yesterday. You helped me so much to see the forest from trees. I feel 'unstuck' and excited again. It was super comfortable and felt very safe to open up and share my truth with you. Being able to do this helped me to see that it’s ok to dream big, make it mine, and go for it, all the while seeing how I can get the results I want. Love my new and improved action plan. Looking forward to moving forward again. Thank you so much, with gratitude and love."

~ Cammie R., Ontario, Canada

"Jocelyn, the work that I am doing with you in your Life Coaching Program is revising and reshaping some stuck patterns that I didn't even know were there. It seems that every day I am feeling subtle (and not-so-subtle) shifts that are freeing me to think more creatively and optimistically. My life and work are in transition just now, so the work with you has come at the best possible moment to help me find vision and clarity during change. You are a genius with a huge heart. I sense helping spirits working with and through you, and feel privileged to be part of your visible and invisible community."

~ T. Ward, North Carolina

"My experience of a 30-minute Life Coaching Discovery Session with Jocelyn Mercado was truly life-changing. At this time in my life, I am immersed in innerwork and am working through Alida Birch's The Co-Creation Handbook to manifest my life's purpose. My session with Jocelyn perfectly complimented this process, as she guided me to articulate my vision and record it in my personal statement. I am so grateful to Jocelyn for her intuitive guidance in facilitating my vision, out of which several possibilities for future action have arisen. I am truly inspired by Jocelyn's work and will look to her Transformational Life Coaching and her online courses for further guidance on my journey. Thank you so much, Jocelyn, for sharing your gifts of wisdom, guidance, and compassion through your work."

~ Elizabeth S., Australia