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A 12-week embodiment adventure

led by Jocelyn Star Feather & great mother goddess isis

From the Underworld to the Starry Heights:

The Great Goddesses of Earth & Sky

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“I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being.”

~ Hafiz


We hold within our hearts, within our bodies, within our intuitive knowing …

The energies, the wisdom, the prowess and the fierceness of the Great Goddesses of Old ~ Those celestial feminine beings who originally guided our footsteps through the forests; who helped us to craft our magical spells …

At a time when we were still in deepest connection to Source and the Great Mystery.

And in our world today, we feel a DEEP LONGING to return to the primeval forest paths … 

To remember the songs and chants and spells … 

To re-establish the intimate brotherhood/sisterhood with the animals … 

To hear the voices of the plants once again … 

To read the messages written in the crackling stars.

We stand at a threshold where we MUST re-open the portals of knowing from the most ancient times.

And BRING BACK the potency and deep reciprocity with the Earth & Stars which were the foundation of life from the very beginning. 

How do we return to the starting point once again?

How do we reactivate Zep Tepi, the time of original creation, when absolutely anything was possible?

The first step is to recognize that it is already happening, through the chaos and upheaval of our world today.

The magic, the mystery, the oneness is breaking, crashing, hurtling through the dimensions, aching to return to our tongues and our fingertips once again.

And in order for it to fully arrive – for it to have its miraculous effects and change everything –

We must engage with it.

We must activate it.

Moon Cosmos Mother Earth Goddess

We must energize this sacred unfolding, re-blossoming, re-awakening, the breaking open of the Cosmic Egg inside of which all possibilities await. 

The most important first step is to go within oneself, and open the portals to this deepest ancient energy from the inside. 

Each of us can do our own profound inner healing work – we can reach back in time – connect with the most ancient Goddesses of old – embrace their qualities – examine how they reacted in challenging situations – and then we can bring this wisdom & presence and FIERCENESS into our world today.

You can let Her energy flow through you, move you, shake you, quake you, until you wake up to the exquisiteness of your own full potency and potential.

Let’s connect for a moment with Goddess Isis of ancient Egypt, maker of magic, speaker of spells, eternally guarded by a tribe of loyal scorpions.

She who suffered heartbreak just as mortal women do, who resurrected her husband, who challenged the Sun God Ra.

Isis did not hesitate. She did not hold back.

No matter the trials and tribulations that she faced at any given moment, she knew her mission clearly. She embraced the hardships as portals to transformation, not only for herself and her family, but also for all of humanity.

How might you embody Isis?

Envision her standing before you. How does she hold her fierce shoulders? At what angle does she tilt her head? How does the light sparkle in her eye? How can you mirror her? How can you act as she did (and does)?

How can you BECOME her?

“The sky and the stars make music to you
The sun and the moon praise you
The gods exalt you
The goddesses sing to you.”

~ Inscription at the Temple of Hathor, Dendera, Egypt

The potentials are infinite, when we step into embodying and BECOMING the Goddess.

In this class, you will become very familiar with the most ancient Goddesses – from the Original Times – those who initiated the eternal balance of Earth and Heaven and knew how to hold it in place. 

Those who understood how to weave the weft & warp of reality with magic and chaos and peace, in the perfect combination to raise up all of life to its highest potential.

Those who guided & protected us before the corruption – before the silencing of the feminine –when the very first temples were being built in alignment with the stars – before the witches were burned – before the doubt crept into our hearts and our voices.

In this class, we are going to allow the Great Mother Goddess Isis to lead our Embodiment Adventure.

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What we are meant to uncover here is far deeper than any human mind or 21st century human perception can manage.

So we will begin each class by invoking Isis and allowing her to lay the mysteries out on the table for us, as she sees fit. 

We will immerse ourselves in the ancient art, temples, writings, hieroglyphs, and other artifacts that convey to us the spirit of the ancient Goddess cultures …

We will become infused with the wisdom & deep knowing from times long ago.

We will REMEMBER how it felt to live & breathe during those times.

And we will begin to perceive reality very differently … In alignment with the energy of Original Creation.

You will have the opportunity to FEEL which of the sacred ancient Goddesses resonate the most for you.

And then you will be gently and fiercely guided to EMBODY the Goddess, from your heart, from your soul, in all that you do.

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“Now, you are free.”

~ Sekhmet / Mut, ancient Egyptian lioness Goddess


Once you experience this process of embodying YOUR core Goddesses, at deeper & higher levels of your being …

  • You will stop hesitating.

  • You will release the last vestiges of doubt, shame, and guilt that have been clinging to you for so long. 

  • You will fully embrace LIFE and welcome each day with PASSION and FREEDOM.

  • You will CHOOSE the highest vibrational frequency and intentionality around your thoughts, words, and actions.

  • You will readily embrace the Mystery, the challenges, the not-knowing.

  • You will enter into a space of clear recognition that truly, EVERY event occurring in your life is a gift from the Divine.

  • Your decisions and your speech will sparkle with magic and clear knowing. 

  • And you will FEEL in every cell, deep in your marrow, that you, yourself, are a GIFT from the Goddess, here to shake up and wake up our world.

  • From that Sacred Space of Existence, you will be able to take action in ways you never dreamed possible before.

The Great Goddesses of Earth and Sky DEEPLY DESIRE for us to embody them, once again today.

They are dreaming us, protecting us, encouraging us, and longing to speak through us …

To help us shift the entire trajectory of our world at this time.

To help us break down the old crumbling structures … 

To help us release what is ready to die …

So we can survive and thrive during the initiations.

To help us continually return to a calm, clear center of balance from which to speak and act …

So we can ignite the revolution that Mother Earth requires.

They are here with us already.

Let us enter into their world, together, exploring and excavating, uncovering the hidden treasures.

Let us open up the long-buried secrets they have left hidden for us.

Let us move into ritual and ceremonial space together, and open the path for the Great Goddesses of Earth & Sky to be reborn through each & every one of us.

For the highest good for all of LIFE.

Aho. So it is, and so it will be <3 

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I’m inviting YOU into an exciting & magical embodiment experience!

It’s called:

From the Underworld to the Starry Heights:

The Great Goddesses
of Earth & Sky

An immersive embodiment experience led by Jocelyn star feather & the great mother goddess isis

Queen Isis on the outside wall of Philae, the temple dedicated to her, near Aswan, Egypt

Queen Isis on the outside wall of Philae, the temple dedicated to her, near Aswan, Egypt



This is a pre-recorded course that you can complete at your own pace. It is recommended that you leave 2 weeks between each module, to allow time for the paradigm shifts & changes in perception to fully integrate into your being.

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Class 1:

Our Primordial Nature: The Goddesses of the Beginning Times

  • We’ll study the prehistoric, Neolithic age Goddesses, from 70,000 BC to 10,000 BC

  • An exploration of the art inside the Chauvet and Lasceaux Caves – where we honored our shamanic connection with the Animals, the Earth, and the Sky

  • Venus of Willendorf, Venus of Laussel – Goddess figures from a time when art & magic were inextricably linked

  • The shamanic role of women in the Neolithic period

  • Depictions & deeper significance of the Bird-Tree-Snake Goddess throughout different cultures

  • The matriarchal culture of Catal Huyuk, and the Lion Goddess who was celebrated there

  • Cave paintings of the Lady of the Beasts and other iterations / paintings of the Goddess found in caves

  • You’ll experience a shamanic chakra activation & movement journey to awaken the primordial Goddess within you

Class 2:

Dragon & Serpent Goddesses

  • An exploration of the Kundalini life force that waits to be awakened within each of us, and ancient understandings of this essential aspect of the human being

  • Ley lines / dragon lines / serpent lines — The energetic life force of Mama Gaia

  • We will explore artwork, writings, and artifacts related to:

    • Tiamat, the primordial Babylonian serpent goddess who represents the chaos of creation

    • Nuwa, the Chinese creator goddess with the head of a woman and the lower body of a serpent

    • Corra, the Great Serpent Goddess of Ireland and Scotland

  • You’ll experience a shamanic journey to be swallowed by the snake / dragon, and become one with it, to awaken the fire of your creative life force

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The Goddess Selket protecting treasures in the Tomb of Tutankhamun (1341 BCE to 1323 BCE), Valley of the Kings, Egypt

The Goddess Selket protecting treasures in the Tomb of Tutankhamun (1341 BCE to 1323 BCE), Valley of the Kings, Egypt

Class 3:

Ancient Egyptian Goddesses

  • We will celebrate & learn more about humanity’s spiritual, scientific, astronomical, and magical abilities which are evidenced in ancient Egyptian temples, pyramids, and hieroglyphs 

  • We’ll immerse in the wisdom of ancient women, who were powerful leaders in ancient Egypt. They did not lead by force, but rather through their magic, and the way they held energetic space for LIFE and the sacred.

  • Hieroglyphs as portals to a very different way of perceiving reality

  • The importance of water to conduct the energy flow in the temples; as well as the Nile River, and the Star Sirius

  • We will explore artwork, writings, and artifacts related to the Goddesses:

    • Isis and Nepthys, the powerful sisters of ancient Egypt

    • Ma’at — Holding space for balance, harmony, integrity, and right action

    • Selket — Scorpion Goddess, and wayshower into the underworld

    • Seshet — The one who assisted the pharaohs in aligning their Temples with the Stars

  • Experience an embodied journey with the potency of the Egyptian Goddesses, so you can access the state of being exalted in your wholeness, completeness, and full power

“In the beginning was the golden womb, the seed of elemental existence.”

~ Atharva Veda

Class 4:

The Great Goddesses of Sumeria and Crete

  • We will look at how the Underworld Journey is depicted in antiquity, & the role the ancient Goddess plays in guiding the humans through difficult or initiatory times

  • The culture of Crete: One of the very last places the ancient Goddess was “sovereign unto herself”

  • We’ll dive into Bees as conduits for prophecy, Honey as the divine nectar, and the Melissae — Oracular Priestesses of the Bees

  • We will work read & journey with the exquisite poetry describing the courtship of Inanna and Dumuzi

  • You will dance with the Goddess Inanna, Queen of Heaven, on her descent from the Great Above into the Great Below, to uncover an important message from your shadows that will allow you to live with greater joy

Karphi&nbsp;Goddess statues, with upraised arms, attached bird symbols and horns of consecration on their heads, 1200-1100 BC, Crete

Karphi Goddess statues, with upraised arms, attached bird symbols and horns of consecration on their heads, 1200-1100 BC, Crete

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Class 5:

Native American Goddesses

  • We will explore ways to awaken the ancient reciprocal connection with the Earth in your own life — Through offerings, prayer, and ritual upon the land

  • The importance of blood as life-force energy

  • We will honor the animals, our brothers and sisters; and we will hear stories of the animals who came from the stars to help humanity

  • We will explore the roles of the following Goddesses:

    • Corn Woman, who ensures life for the people through her colorful gift of corn

    • Pachamama, the Mother of all Time & Space

    • Changing Woman, the mysterious deep nature of the feminine, fierce and ever-changing

    • Ix Chel, the Jaguar goddess of the Moon, whose sacred pilgrimage site is the exquisite island of Cozumel

  • You’ll experience a shamanic embodiment journey within a mountain or volcano of your choosing to find the sacred indigenous treasure the Earth has kept hidden for you

Class 6:

Hindu & Yogic Goddesses

  • We will connect with Shiva (consciousness) & Shakti (energy) as the energetic forces who exist in eternal ecstatic union, and who transcend, yet include, all aspects of reality

  • We’ll work with the idea that “The universe conceals much more than it reveals.”

  • We will explore the ancient teachings of oneness / nonduality, the divine merging of masculine & feminine, as it is embodied through sacred sexuality & partnership

  • We will study artwork and writings related to the Hindu Goddesses:

    • Parvati — Goddess of the Sacred Marriage

    • Saraswati — Goddess who flows as Language, Insight, and Sound

    • Durga — The fierce Mother Goddess of awakening & transformation, a warrior of the spirit

  • You will journey into Bhuvaneshwari, the Goddess of Infinite Space & the Great Cosmic Womb, and you’ll be consecrated in a special ritual held by your unique council of Goddesses from around the world

Inner sanctum of the Temple of Hatshepsut, Valley of the Queens, Egypt

Inner sanctum of the Temple of Hatshepsut, Valley of the Queens, Egypt



Regular Price $777
Early Bird Price $444

* Special Announcement *



This is a pre-recorded course. Upon registration, you’ll gain access to all of the class recordings and materials.


I can’t wait to embark upon this potent adventure with you <3

Wishing you magical & mysterious blessings, now and always,

Jocelyn Star Feather

At Dendera, the Temple dedicated to the Goddess Hathor, Egypt

At Dendera, the Temple dedicated to the Goddess Hathor, Egypt

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Praise for Sacred Planet Courses

“The course has helped me on my soul’s journey, to take me beyond my fears and embodying my inner truth and wisdom manifesting them into my life. I am so grateful.”

~ Anne, Sweden

“The course was an amazing container for healing. Jocelyn is open, honest, beautiful and fully aligned.”

~ Claire, United Kingdom

“Beyond anything, this course gifted me the inspiration and the deep self knowledge that diving deep into all of this symbolism of my subconscious is bringing me closer to the golden nuggets of my truth. I feel a richness within my soul and confidence to be my fullest self including embracing my darkness as well as my challenging but rewarding divine path. Thank you, Jocelyn, for being a powerful, celestial guide at this turning point in my journey.”

~ Stephanie, Illinois

“I loved this course! Not only was it fun, it has really helped me to connect with my intuition and given me the confidence to learn more about the amazing, magical world we live in.”

~ Donna, Australia

“This course reminded me of my magical potential. To enjoy and have fun while I grow and evolve, through the amazing journeys and key insights to myself. Very powerful!”

~ Linda, California

“I absolutely loved it. I had fantastic results. The meditations and imagery were powerful and compelling. It led me to a lot of revelations and powerful awakenings. it opened up a lot of closed doors for me personally but in a gentle way. Very profound!”

~ Ritu, Canada

“Jocelyn is such a natural teacher and shamanic guide. She answers questions with grace and ease and makes space for each person to feel heard. This course helped me become aware of my fear and how it plays a role in my life, as well as made space for me to befriend my fear and work with it in a constructive way. I feel more connected to myself and aware of my energy after this course. I am so grateful for the space that was held as a part of my personal journey.”

~ Kimber, North Carolina

“I learned so much from this course! Jocelyn's meditations are beautifully spun, and in each one I found myself traversing new landscapes within my soul. The journeys were highly activating, opening up my perspective. The material was fascinating. I loved learning about the Pleiades and our connections to the stars. I also loved finding my soul tone. Beautiful!”

~ Dasha, Tennessee

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