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Birthing Our Radical New Future from the Stars to the Earth

Life-Changing Virtual Experience



Awaken your creative life force.

Instigate & sow the seeds of healing for our world.

Connect with Master Teacher animals who have come from the stars to guide & protect us.

Learn from the ancient Star Intelligence encoded in the constellations & in the fabric of the universe.

In each of the ancient civilizations — Egypt, Crete, Catal Huyuk, the Druid lands, the Mayan & Inca civilizations, ancient Chinese dynasties, and so many others — There came a deciding moment.

There came a time when the civilization must crumble or evolve to a new height.

We are now being thrust into this threshold, in our modern, GLOBAL civilization.

This is not only about the U.S. or China or Spain or UK or Sweden or Italy. This is about the global civilization that human beings have now created. There is no going back from this threshold point. It is time to make our decision, and every one of us will decide.

Whether they know they are choosing or not, every person chooses.

What is most important at times like this, is to choose in favor of more & more life.

Some people will choose this purposefully, consciously.

Some people will choose passively, by doing nothing.

Many will not even know there is a decision to be made.

But for you, who are reading this page today, you are here to be part of this choice and this great shift that is upon us. So the question for you is:

How will you step into alignment & reciprocal relationship with LIFE? With Mother Earth herself? With the vibrant & healthful future of all beings?


All it takes is for you to say yes. But you must know that when you say yes, this is the beginning of an alchemical journey. And on the alchemical journey, you will be changed. You will not emerge the same person as you began. This is what is being asked of you now.

Once you say yes, the opportunities will start to show up to reveal to you how to bring your gifts forward.

So if you’ve been wanting for a long time to being your gifts forward, but have not known how, all you have to do is to say yes now. The rest does not yet need to be understood. It will be revealed as you go.

Our Wild Souls Are Ready for Freedom

The wildness within us may be feeling suppressed by global events & the scenarios that are playing out. Our true nature is feeling trapped. Feeling constricted.

And yet — we feel this so strongly right now because that wildness within, that part of us which knows how to fully express our creativity, which knows how to return to reciprocal connection with the Earth & Cosmic realms — that wildness is ready to break free.

To create a world of justice and equality, where everyone is respected and honored for exactly who they are.

To reclaim our full, unbridled, creative self-expression.

To protect the Earth, and the animals & plants, and all beings from being harmed by human activity.

To stop the oil drilling and deforestation - to reforest the planet.

To rapidly allow the old systems & structures that are not working, to fall away, so we can build something radically new.

To facilitate your own soul’s evolutionary journey into the highest expression of your gifts and talents.

To uncover & strengthen your personal power, your courage, your ability to take action and to know when the time is right.


To connect with the wombspace of all creation and birth a new future for humanity & all beings.

And the path for this is not through logic and the thinking mind.

The path to open up our wildness and untamed heart is through connecting deeply with the mystery, the unseen realms, and our intuitive & astral knowing.

It’s through connecting with the Earth and Stars in a deeper way than we ever have before.

Only in that liminal, Dreamtime space will we find the answers & guidance we need most during this threshold time.

If you’re ready to dive deeply into the Great Cosmic Ocean and uncover the truths & mysteries waiting there to guide us, you are invited into:



In this 3-month journey, you will:

  • Learn how to access Star / Astral energy & intelligence & anchor it here on Earth for personal & planetary healing 

  • Journey into magical consciousness, become the shaman / healer, and bring back instructions & information to guide our human trajectory

  • Learn to operate on the Astral planes, releasing yourself from stuckness in the logical & 3D realms

  • Meet and form deep connections with the Master Teacher animals — Those who were sent here from the stars to support, guide, and protect humankind, especially at this turning point

  • Learn how to live shamanically: Fully grounded into the Earth yet also with your antennas open & continually receiving the Cosmic intelligence.

  • Experience & practice existing in a continual state of rapturous connection to the All

  • Dive deep into alchemical healing, for personal transformation that will ripple out into the collective in miraculous ways

  • We will be guided by the dreamtime — Every week, your instructor and/or 1 or 2 students will share their recent dreams to collectively inform us of the messages beings sent from the Stars

This will be …

3 Months to Open You Up to the Earthly & Cosmic Magic that is Your True Nature

The moment that you say YES is the moment that everything begins to change

~ within you ~

to bring about the highest good for all.

Now is the time.

Are you in?



This is a pre-recorded course that you can complete at your own pace. It is recommended that you leave 2 weeks between each module, to allow time for the Alchemical Process to have its way with you.



Corvus the Raven & Apollo ~ Burning Away Fear, Doubt, and Heaviness

  • Raven is a clever trickster and a shape-shifter; the one who speaks the mysteries to the shaman; he helps souls cross over the veil.

  • Apollo is the Greek god of sun and light, music and poetry, healing and plagues, prophecy and knowledge. Raven is his sacred bird.

  • You will be guided to connect with Raven and Sun God Apollo, in a deep shamanic journey to release your fear, doubt, and heaviness into the fires of Calcination. Allow your past to be burned away to make space for the future that wishes to emerge through you.

  • Crystallize your determination and willpower with the energy of the planet Saturn, who helps us to traverse hardships and have the perseverance to leave a stunning legacy to the world.

  • Receive a profound transmission of Sunlight and a Root Chakra Activation to strengthen your sense of safety and trust, and to ground your intentions for what you wish to create during this 3-month journey.



Scorpius & Artemis ~ Learning to Survive & Thrive in the Unknown

  • The Scorpion is one of the most ancient life forms on our planet, among the first creatures to emerge from the primordial ocean. It carries powerful symbolism around what is poison vs. what is medicine, and helps us to find what we truly need in order to heal.

  • Artemis is the archer & huntress. Independent & elusive as moonlight, she runs with the wild animals in the woods. She vehemently defends her freedom. She is also associated with childbirth and lends assistance during the birthing process.

  • You will connect with the Scorpion and Goddess Artemis, who will help you to drink the eternal medicine of highest truth and dissolve any resistance to claiming your full power, in the alchemical process of Dissolution.

  • The planet Jupiter will be your guide to welcome freedom, expansion, and abundance into your life.

  • Receive a Sacral Chakra activation that will connect you with the central womb of the universe, the origin point of all things in existence. You also hold this vast creative force within your being. After this Sacral Chakra activation, you will feel a profound empowerment to thrive in the unknown and you will welcome the strong medicine of our times to lift you up even higher in your evolutionary healing process.



Pegasus the Winged Horse ~ Releasing Old Identities & Perceptions, and Aligning with the Truth of Oneness

  • The soaring flight of Pegasus is a reminder of the soul’s immortality, and the truth of our ever-continuing rebirth into new forms in each lifetime ~ Oneness with all things.

  • Perseus is the half-god, half-mortal prince and slayer of monsters. He reminds us that our identity is fleeting when compared with the larger storyline that we are all a part of.

  • You will connect with Pegasus, the ultimate symbol of freedom, and Perseus, through the alchemical process of Separation. You will release any & all old identities and ego desires, and reconnect with your soul which is eternal and can never be broken or harmed. Through our souls, we are truly all one.

  • You’ll be guided to work with the planet Mars to venture into the wormholes of the Cosmos by asking the unanswerable question “Who Am I?”

  • Receive an activation of your Solar Plexus Chakra to explore what you consider your strengths and weaknesses, and come to see how perfectly designed you are.


** Lion’s Gate **


Leo the Lion & Goddess Isis ~ Courage to Rejoin & Rebirth the Disparate Parts of Our Inner & Outer World

  • During this week, we will enter into the Lion’s Gate, a potent time (based on the heliacal rising of the star Sirius) in which star portals are opened to accelerate our psychic, astral, and intuitive abilities.

  • You will be guided to connect with Leo the Lion, symbol of courage, natural innate power, and fierce love; as well as Isis, the Great Mother of Egyptian and Greek mythology who stands alongside the Lion encouraging us to bend time & space in order to shape the reality we truly desire.

  • You’ll experience the alchemical process of Conjunction, where we re-integrate dark & light, conscious & unconscious, separation & oneness ~ To create a new substance, or a new world.

  • The planet Venus will guide you through a healing & activation of your Heart Chakra by accessing the light codes of Sirius / Sothis / Isis, to heighten your connection with the life force & beauty that surrounds you. This will be a profound immersion into trust in the unseen & magical aspects of our world, to fuel your creativity and expansion.


Mystic Revelations: Returning the Stars to Astrology

Led by VerDarLuz CelestiOwl


Here is what you’ll experience during Mystical Revelations:

  • Learn about the 4 Royal Stars and how they relate to rulers of ancient times — As well as our global leaders today

  • Heliacal Rising & Setting Stars — The gift from your soul and treasure from your ancestors

  • Sirius, Isis, and the Lion’s Gate Portal that is happening right now

  • The energetic dynamics of different stars and how they influence your birth chart

  • A potent shamanic journey to travel to one of these stars and learn what message it holds for you



Lyra and Orpheus ~ Singing the Truth Back into Being

  • You will be guided to connect with Lyra, the Lyre or ancient Harp, which guides us to artistic & creative expression as a pathway to truth; as well as Orpheus, who could tame the wildest animals with his music.

  • You’ll experience the alchemical process of Fermentation, a truly magical occurrence in which the form we see before us is transmuted through the peacock’s tail of colors into a more advanced & potentiated level of reality.

  • The planet Mercury, lord of communication, writing, music, and expression, will guide you through a healing & activation of your Throat Chakra. Music, speech, & creativity are magical spells that we all have access to, if we can only release constriction / control / fear / blocked self-expression. Mercury will open you to receive freedom of expression from the stars & planets by singing your Soul Song. Following this activation you will feel a lightness and ease of being YOU like never before.



Aquila the Eagle and Zeus ~ Becoming One with the Stars for Ultimate Protection & Astral Wisdom

  • You will be guided to connect with Aquila, the Eagle, who soars through the cosmic heights which gives him the potent ability to see the larger plan for our universe. Aquila is said to carry Zeus’ thunderbolts.

  • You’ll experience the alchemical process of Distillation through a New Moon ritual to remove the veils of illusion, purify & enliven your spirit, and welcome in the ultimate protection & astral wisdom from your guides.

  • Grandmother Moon, whose energy heals our emotions and connects us with intuition, empathy, and compassion, will fill your being with her crystalline silver light and activate your Third Eye Chakra.

  • In a shamanic journey, your ancient star lineage will be revealed to you and the astral codes that you uniquely hold will be opened up within your DNA so you can spend the rest of your life in full connection with the instructions held in these star codes.



Ophiuchus / Asclepius and the Serpent ~ Awakening Your Genius and Bringing the Star & Planetary Wisdom Down to Earth

  • You will be guided to connect with Ophiuchus, the serpent-bearer. This constellation is the 13th sign of the Zodiac, and represents the great healer Asclepius, the god of medicine in Ancient Greek mythology. Asclepius held tremendous genius in his healing powers and was immortalized in the sky together with the serpent, in honor of his contributions.

  • You’ll experience the alchemical process of Coagulation, to awaken your genius and bring your unique star knowledge / star intelligence down to Earth.

  • We’ll bring in powerful Serpent energy, as a reminder of the most ancient Goddess / Shaman / Witch / Midwife / Healer power, which is re-awakening all around us & through us at this potent time on our sacred planet.

  • The Sun will be your guide as your Crown Chakra is activated and you are connected with the highest intelligence of the Celestial Realms.

As you progress through these 3 months, you will notice and receive:

  • Increased magic, mystery, miracles, and synchronicities swirling into your world.

  • Continual advances in your ability to hold higher & higher frequencies of love, joy, and manifestation.

  • Increased sense of full & complete trust in what is happening — Surrendering to the unknown and seeing clearly that everything is help and everything is magic.

  • Deepening of shamanic immersion into other realms so you can bring back the truth and use it to create a new reality.

  • You will study & receive transmissions from the shamanic texts, alchemical practices, and star wisdom from ancient civilizations who had a much clearer & closer picture of the true nature of reality than we have today.

  • You’ll receive synchronicities and proof that your healing journey, your actions, your prayers are actively grounding & planting a new future here for all life on Earth.

  • Increased ability to leave behind logic, reason, and the thinking mind — And enter into the much larger plan & potentialities that are available to us. Truly, we are winged spirits, and when we dream or go into the imaginal realms, we access the freedom to fly as we are meant to do.


Regular Price $499
Early Bird Price $379

* Special Announcement *



This is a pre-recorded course. Upon registration, you’ll gain access to all of the class recordings and materials.

Click Here to Submit Your Donation and Join the Class

 I can’t wait to share this journey with you!

To your visionary future <3 <3 <3

With love and gratitude,

Jocelyn Star Feather
